Thursday, March 25, 2010


If you're at this page then that means you matter! Congratulations, on being selected for the great honor that is this blog. Seriously, though I'd been thinking about starting a blog for a long while but there was really no reason until today and that's because... I was notified that I'd been invited to be a Peace Corps Volunteer today! But here's the thing, I still don't know where to. I went to my Peace Corps status page and it said:

Congratulations on your choice to become a Volunteer in . <---- As you can see, the place where the country name should be is quite missing.

Whatevs though, it also said I would receive a package in the mail with an official invite and info on the country I'm supposed to serve in which I can either accept or decline within 10 days. I will check the mail to see if it came today but it may not come till tomorrow or Saturday even. I am extremely nervous and have been for quite some time. In fact on the Peace Corps site, they have a poll that says "Are you nervous to begin your service?" I checked yes. Turns out 55% of Peace Corps nominees are nervous and 45% are a bunch of naive, goddamned liars.


  1. Haha, liars. IM SO DAMN PROUD OF U!! I now have a new favorite blog :)

  2. u don't really like godzilla v mothra... do u?

  3. also, i can already tell this will be a funny blog. hiiiiiilarious!!

    hope you get a place that is okay, like the gdp is mostly awesome instead of money or something
